Our Edge

Our Edge –  Why choose Ocean Dial?


Ocean Dial is a single country focused manager, supported by a dedicated research team based in Mumbai who live and breathe only Indian equities.


The closed-ended structure of the Company ensures we can invest in less liquid opportunities and take a long-term approach, unencumbered by fund flows, both in and out. On the basis of portfolio turnover, our implied average holding period is ten years.


The structure therefore enables us to invest in smaller, less well-known and researched companies. This can lead to more volatility than the large cap peers, but offers more mispriced opportunities. Hence the India Capital Growth Fund has a Small and Midcap* mandate. Shareholders are therefore exposed to ideas that are unviable for larger fund houses. These ideas are identified in advance of our competition and usually allocated to on more attractive terms.


The research team has low staff turnover and consists of seven professionals with an average experience of 17 years in the market.


An investible universe ~145 companies under coverage across the market cap spectrum. Coverage entails detailed financial modelling, one-to-one corporate interactions, and forensic due diligence before any investment decision is taken.


*Ocean Dial defines small-cap as <US$1bn, mid-cap US$1bn-US$7bn